“The Important Thing is to Never Stop Questioning or Learning.”     – Albert Einstein


  • Hongyu Sun, Yongcai Wang, Xudong Cai, Peng Wang, Deying Li, Yu Shao, and Shuo Wang. AirBirds: A Large-scale Challenging Dataset for Bird Strike Prevetion in Real-world Airports. In ACCV, pages 2440-2456, 2022.

  • Hongyu Sun, Yongcai Wang, Xudong Cai, Xuewei Bai, Deying Li. ViPFormer: Efficient Vision-and-Pointcloud Transformer for Unsupervised Pointcloud Understanding. In ICRA, 2023

  • Hongyu Sun, Yongcai Wang, Wang Chen, Haoran Deng, Deying Li. Parameter-efficient Prompt Learning for 3D Point Cloud Understanding. In ICRA, 2024

  • Hongyu Sun, Yongcai Wang, Peng Wang, Haoran Deng, Xudong Cai, Deying Li. VSFormer: Mining Correlations in Flexible View Set for Multi-view 3D Shape Understanding. IEEE TVCG, 2024